
How does Mink provide a consistent API for very different browser library types, often written in different languages? Through drivers! A Mink driver is a simple class, that implements Behat\Mink\Driver\DriverInterface. This interface describes bridge methods between Mink and real browser emulators. Mink always talks with browser emulators through its driver. It doesn’t know anything about how to start/stop or traverse pages in that particular browser emulator. It only knows what driver method it should call in order to do this.

Mink comes with six drivers out of the box:

Driver Feature Support

Although Mink does its best to remove browser differences between different browser emulators, it can’t do much in some cases. For example, BrowserKitDriver cannot evaluate JavaScript and Selenium2Driver cannot get the response status code. In such cases, the driver will always throw a meaningful Behat\Mink\Exception\UnsupportedDriverActionException.

Feature BrowserKit/Goutte Selenium2 Chrome Zombie Selenium Sahi
Page traversing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Form manipulation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
HTTP Basic auth Yes No Yes Yes No No
Windows management No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
iFrames management No Yes Yes No Yes No
Request headers access Yes No Yes Yes No No
Response headers Yes No Yes Yes No No
Cookie manipulation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Status code access Yes No Yes Yes No No
Mouse manipulation No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Drag’n Drop No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Keyboard actions No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Element visibility No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
JS evaluation No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Window resizing No Yes Yes No No No
Window maximizing No Yes Yes No Yes No